Last night (Dec. 10), we were perusing Andrew W.K.'s Twitter page -- as we do every evening -- and we came across a very peculiar update. Normally, we're blessed with party tip after party tip from Mr. W.K., but this specific message was promoting a Ford car.

And not just any car -- the Ford Fiesta. Our interests were instantly piqued.

In the video above, you'll see W.K. in his element, happier than ever and ready to party hard.

“Hi, I’m Andrew W.K. I’m a rock and roll musician and a professional partier, and this is my point of view on the 2015 Ford Fiesta," he says as the video starts. If you had any doubts about the party-ability of the Fiesta, W.K. quickly puts them to rest: “The beautiful thing about the Fiesta is that this car actually parties by itself ... the word 'fiesta' means 'party,' literally."

Needless to say, W.K. and Ford, you've got our attention. We never thought we'd see the internationally-recognized party laureate partner with one of the biggest car companies around, but after hearing about W.K.'s obsession with the Fiesta, it seems like a match made in heaven.

Will we see more videos from W.K. and Ford? Stay tuned!

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