
Listeners Tell Us What They Use Their Mobile Devices For the Most [POLL]
Listeners Tell Us What They Use Their Mobile Devices For the Most [POLL]
Listeners Tell Us What They Use Their Mobile Devices For the Most [POLL]
So kids, a while back I asked you guys what you've been using your mobile devices for.  Now me, I guess I'm simple and I don't have much need for fancy internettin' on the go.  I have a laptop and a desktop, and that seems to be good enough for me.  Boyfriendo, meanwhile, has a fancy phone AND a tablet, and God knows what he uses those for.  I don't think I want to know. Anyway, I DO want to know
12 Hilarious Breakup Texts
12 Hilarious Breakup Texts
12 Hilarious Breakup Texts
It doesn't matter which way we spin it; breaking up stinks. (Unless, of course, you're the breaker-upper, in which case it's like a cause for celebration.) Either way, cutting the relationship cord has gotten a bit easier ever since text messaging hit the scene. As it turns out, break up texts can be hilarious.
Happy 20th Birthday, Text Messaging!
Happy 20th Birthday, Text Messaging!
Happy 20th Birthday, Text Messaging!
Although it became a widely used form of communication only recently, texting is actually a decades-old technology. In fact, it celebrated its 20th birthday on Monday, which makes it older than most of the kids who use it. OMG!
Text Messages That Don’t Need to be Sent
Text Messages That Don’t Need to be Sent
Text Messages That Don’t Need to be Sent
We have become a society of texting fools.  It has gotten to the point that people will send you to voicemail if you call them but will answer a text right away.  This is especially true in younger people.  Gawker has come up with a list of annoying texts that don't need to be sent.  I completely agree with a few of them.