Severe Weather

Weather Year In Review
Weather Year In Review
Weather Year In Review
Pettis County EMA Director Dave Clippert recently released a report reviewing Missouri's severe weather trends in 2013. In recent years, the amount of tornadoes have gone down for most of the country, but not in Missouri. According to Clippert, Missouri experienced 54 tornadoes in 2013, compared to 32 tornadoes in 2012.
Severe Weather Preparedness
Severe Weather Preparedness
Severe Weather Preparedness
Severe thunderstorms, 60 mph winds and hail the size of ping pong balls battered Mid-Missouri on Monday (May 20).  The nasty weather included a small tornado in Pettis County and Tornado Warnings for Sedalia, LaMonte, Smithton and Green Ridge.  Some lost power and others sustained damage to their homes and vehicles.  Those that were prepared for the weather rode the storm out and may have been a l
Big Ol’ Thunderstorms: Love ’em or Hate ’em? [POLL]
Big Ol’ Thunderstorms: Love ’em or Hate ’em? [POLL]
Big Ol’ Thunderstorms: Love ’em or Hate ’em? [POLL]
Many of us in Mid-Missouri have been experiencing quite a few thunderstorms recently.  There have been severe weather advisories, reports of 60 mph winds and the threat of hail in the area, not to mention the damaged trees, flooded streets and traffic accidents that come along with a good old fashioned Missouri storm.  Despite all of this mayhem, I'm absolutely loving this weather, and I have a ha
Pettis County Emergency Sirens at Noon are Just a Test
Pettis County Emergency Sirens at Noon are Just a Test
Pettis County Emergency Sirens at Noon are Just a Test
According to Pettis County EMA Director David Clippert, the EMA will have a check of the emergency sirens today at noon.  It's hard to believe we are coming off a major snow storm, and now we turn our attention to severe thunderstorms, but hey, that's Missouri weather. It won't be long before we are watching the radar for severe thunderstorms.