
People Go Nuts Over Fried Turkey Testicles
People Go Nuts Over Fried Turkey Testicles
People Go Nuts Over Fried Turkey Testicles
As guys, we'll eat almost anything. Brew us up some cat poop coffee, toss us a stuffed cone pizza explosion; we can handle it. There is one thing we're a little weary to try, though -- mostly because it's a male issue at hand -- deep fried turkey testicles.
What Do You Do With the Turkey Leftovers? [SURVEY]
What Do You Do With the Turkey Leftovers? [SURVEY]
What Do You Do With the Turkey Leftovers? [SURVEY]
I think there is a reason that most people eat turkey once a year: you realize on the second day of leftovers that it's just not that good.  In fact, I think it ranks right up there with Spam.