
New Study Examines the Shortened Life Expectancy of Rock Stars
New Study Examines the Shortened Life Expectancy of Rock Stars
New Study Examines the Shortened Life Expectancy of Rock Stars
Any rock fan worth his or her salt is aware of the "live fast, die young" mythology surrounding the music -- and lord knows we've all seen more than enough musicians succumb to the stereotype. But a new study suggests the phenomenon might be far more widespread than previously believed.
NBC News Gaffe Cites ‘Astronaut Neil Young’ Death Rather Than Real Astronaut Neil Armstrong
NBC News Gaffe Cites ‘Astronaut Neil Young’ Death Rather Than Real Astronaut Neil Armstrong
NBC News Gaffe Cites ‘Astronaut Neil Young’ Death Rather Than Real Astronaut Neil Armstrong
It’s easy when a story breaks to be so rushed to beat everyone else to it that a mistake can be made, but one error by NBC News had music fans wondering which part of what they read was true. The network initially reported that astronaut Neil Young had passed away, rather than Neil Armstrong.