It's hard to be healthy when you're at work, especially if you have a desk job.  But I've got some small ways you can make your workplace just a little bit healthier.

Some of these you can do yourself, but you'd have to talk to your boss about the others.


#1.)  Buy a Few Houseplants.  Even one small potted plant on your desk has been shown to reduce stress.  Just make sure it's something that won't die if you don't water it on the weekends.

#2.)  Keep Healthier Snacks Around.  A lot of offices have candy jars, but you get more energy from healthier things like nuts or dried fruit.

#3.)  Get Your Boss to Make Space for Bike Storage.  It encourages people to ride bikes to work instead of drive.  But if you're the one who suggests it, you better plan on USING it.

#4.)  Ask Your Boss to Allow Pets in the Office.  Obviously not if someone has allergies.  But if everyone's okay with it, allowing dogs in the workplace has been shown to significantly reduce stress.

Do you and your workplace use any of these techniques?  Do you want to try any of them out?  What do you think?

Workingly yours,


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