Around Easter, everyone thinks about the commercial where the bunny is leaving a trail while laying Easter eggs and how cute it seems. For some, the thought may come to mind to actually purchase a bunny for the kiddos for an Easter gift. Not a good idea. 
According to House Rabbit Society rabbits are not good pets for little ones. If  you've ever owned a rabbit, you may find that you didn't know as much as you thought you did about owning one. For instance, did you know that the average lifespan of a rabbit that is left in a hutch is only one year?

Fuse, Thinkstock

A bunny has such soft fur and seems docile and up for almost anything, but are rabbits good pets for anyone? Pet Finder is just one site that has made it pretty easy to educate yourself about the responsibilities of owning the little hop-a-longs. Rabbits CAN make good pets, but you have to understand their nature in order to care for them properly.

Countless rabbits have been found or turned into rescue facilities, like Sweet Binks Rabbit Rescue because of owners who neglected or failed to understand the care that rabbits required before purchasing one. Some people have even turned rabbits loose into the wild, which leads to their demise -  they are too domesticated to survive on their own.

As Easter approaches, remember what you've read and make an educated decision about whether or not you can invest the time and care needed to properly care for any pet you may purchase. Maybe rabbits should be left to those ready and willing to understand them. They're certainly not meant to be pets for your children.

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