We all live in the age of distraction and we are becoming more aware of how fast time flies. I am 27 years old and LITERALLY yesterday feels like I was 24 or 21. I can't believe how fast time goes now and I know that when I was younger, it did not seem to be that way. When I was a kid my life was filled with school, friends, trends, boys, make-believe, and wonder. Not the responsibilities like we have now; and that can contribute to time appearing to go by faster. Believe it or not, time is going by at the same distance as it was when we were children, the only difference is we PERCEIVE time differently.

( Side Note-I am a very expressive person, so if you see CAPS on a word, it's because I am expressing the importance of that word. That is all. THANK you.)

Anyways, yesterday I was laying in my hammock and I caught myself CONCENTRATING on the tree above me. I was LISTENING to the sounds of nature and my AWARENESS became locked in with my SURROUNDINGS. See what I did there? These four words are VERY important: concentrating, listening, awareness, and surroundings. When you can put the phone down, stop racing from one task to the next, you become aware of your surroundings.  When you can concentrate on that one task or focus your mind on the beauty that is in this very moment.. time will slow down.

I found this incredible article that I think everybody should read. It honestly helped me understand that living in the moment is extremely important. Buddhist practice mindfulness to live in the moment; the article talks about that too. I hope that everyone can find the serenity and peace that I did by living more in the NOW.

That is all.

Love you.


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