Well,  I think I've got most of the wedding stuff planned and ready to go.  I certainly hope so, I mean... it's a little over a month away. (Those aren't our rings, by the way.)  I keep finding myself doing this thing though, where I procrastinate about doing stuff for the wedding.  Like, "I'll email the DJ later" or "I'll get alterations done later" or whatever, and later just never comes.  There's something that's just embarassing about planning a wedding that I can't put my finger on.

And the thing is, I read that women get SUPER stressed about planning the perfect wedding.  And once it's over, apparently they wish they'd been even MORE obsessed about it.

In a new survey, 82% of married women said they'd change at least one thing about their wedding if they could.  And the thing they'd MOST like to change is . . . the best man's TOAST.  Here are the top ten things they'd change.

1.  The best man's speech. 52% wish they could go back and rewrite it for him.

2.  Their hair and make-up, 38%.

3.  The amount of money they spent, 34%.  But not because they spent too much . . . because they wish they'd spent MORE.

4.  The weather, 33%.

5.  Their wedding dress, 32%.

6.  Where they went on their honeymoon, 31%.

7.  Their wedding photographer, 30%.

8.  Their engagement ring, 24%.

9.  Their bridesmaids.  21% would replace at least one of them.

10.  The bouquet.  17% now think the one they chose was ugly.

So maybe that's part of why I'm wigging out:  What if I choose something and later hate it?  I guess I don't have much choice.  I've got to do it, or I'm boned, right?  I just wish I had someone to do all this stuff for me so I can be lazy and play more Captain Toad.

I'm so bad at adulting. Can you guys give me a little motivation? Maybe light a small fire under my butt?

I swear I'm an adult with a mortgage and responsibility,

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